The Cathedral. The window was commissioned in the late 1800's and gifted to the cathedral from one of the oldest parishes in the diocese. The bottom pane contains a censor with the smoke from the incense ascending upwards through an Alpah and Omega to the diadem above. So our prayers ascend through the Son to the Father.

Old friends, Father John and Father Scott.

New friends, Mike, who will have his orders regularized soon and Father Rusty, priest in Houston.
They all seem to have a slightly bored, pained look hiding behind their smiling features.
During these clerical get togethers of yours, do the locals think a bunch of matrix fanatics have invaded the neighborhood? Just curious. The one bald guy (Fr. Rusty?) looks straight out of a movie.
Hey, come on Mr. Talley, I have more hair than that...!
Yes, a very nice ceegar, as a matter of fact--and from a very kind, if aging cleric. Father John promised to come and visit California before he was too old to travel....
Actually, girl(s)?, the locals always look a little amused and the girl who checked me into the hotel wanted a blessing....
Father Rusty is great. Really enjoyed meeting and getting to know him. Hope he can come out and visit the school someday soon.
Are we two... or am I one? Neither you nor Miss DeM will ever know who!!
The parish that donated the Tiffany window was Saint Andrew's of Tinley Park, Illinois. I wish we'd had a place to put it, but it looks great in the cathedral. Another fine classic Anglican building.
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