Saturday, September 02, 2006

St. Andrew's Academy Choir Chanting the Te Deum

In place of a thoughtful post, I give you the Te Deum--much more thoughtful than anything I could come up with....

This is a cut off the St. Andrew's CD for Spring, 2006 (cover of the CD above).

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Joy said...

Wow! Brad told me your choir was great and he wasn't kidding. It's wonderful! I assume ordering info will follow??? (Also, all our "play" money is in PayPal so I'm hoping payments can be made through PayPal...)

Brian Kay said...

Wonderful, Brian! I really need to get your CD at some point. Keep up the good work, and thanks for the helpful (and funny) comments on my own blog lately.

father foos said...


I'm doing my best to get back into school...and then I've made a committment to once a week posting. Of course, that doesn't mean anything will be any good!!

In fact, chances are, I will scramble to find something to write about. And...there's always the students to use as fodder....